
I actually started drawing something....

Two in a row.

It's...something. o.o

Normal day.

And that's that. .n.

Pretty good day.

I can't say that it was good, but nothing bad happened. -w-

So much for that!

I slept horribly....

So late.

Gonna sleep well tonight, though.

Forgot again.


I played LIMBO.

That was much fun. -w-

Genesect remains.

And Fleesy's gonna get me one. >w

Forgetful Bird.

So yeah...here I am.

More working.

More drives to do better....

So much Flees.

I think we talked for...a good 6 hours.... Granted I wasn't the only one there for the most of it. Still fun, though. -w-

Another day.

Eeping closing to 999....

Talkin' to the Flees.

Turns out I'm not the person with the lowest self-esteem in the world. ...Huh.

Calming down.

The flames are cooling. However, they can be rekindled easily. Best I be careful.

A Hidden Meaning.

I appear to be the villain, but am I? Was what happened truly bad, or actually a hidden blessing?



Better day.

Thanks to a friend....

Stupid Internet.

30 seconds before bed...and it stops working....

Spastic Internet.

On and off and on and off....

A good day.

With a pleasant surprise. -w-


Today was all right, I guess....


Life is so turbulent right now....

It's amazing.

My entire day can go well and then blow up 20 minutes before bed....

Still trying....


I will get better.

It won't be easy....

Or not.


Great night.

Everything is slowly turning better....


Worried even more.

Need to Talk

I am a confused fluffball...